Overview of the Wi-Fi Settings menu on the Linksys app for Linksys Mesh Routers

The Wi-Fi Settings feature of your router allows you to find the best WiFi channels with the least amount of traffic for optimum connectivity. It also allows you to protect your network from security vulnerabilities by managing your WiFi credentials.

Click on each of the links below for specific instructions.

Accessing the Wi-Fi Settings menu
Overview of the Wi-Fi Settings

Accessing the Wi-Fi Settings menu

The options may vary depending on the operating system of your mobile device.

1. Log in to the Linksys app dashboard.

2. Tap the menu icon on the upper-left corner of the dashboard.


3. Go to Wi-Fi Settings.



Overview of the Wi-Fi Settings

The options may vary depending on the model of the router you're using.

Wi-Fi Settings
Wi-Fi Name and Wi-Fi Password

Displays your Wi-Fi Name and Wi-Fi Password fields. It is recommended to use the same name for all radios. But for troubleshooting purposes, you can tap these fields to assign different names or passwords to each radio and then tap Save once you're finished. The WiFi connection will momentarily disconnect until changes have been saved.
Advanced Wi-Fi Settings

Security Type - Tap this option to make changes to your security settings. The options will vary by model.
For Wi-Fi® 6E Linksys routers, you will see Multiple selection as the only option. You can make changes through the LinksysSmartWiFi.com page for troubleshooting purposes.

If you consider using WPA3 Personal Only, all your devices must support WPA3â„¢ including your child nodes. If the devices do not support it, they will not be able to connect. Instead, you can use the WPA/WPA3 if your router supports it.
Wi-Fi Mode

Mixed mode is the only supported option.

Channel Finder

Tap on Scan Channels to scan your environment for WiFi channels that will give you the best performance. While the Channel Finder is working, the WiFi will briefly disconnect until the process finishes.


Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)

If the node supports DFS, you can
enable or disable DFS channels. The default value will vary by model.
Connect a Device With WPS
Wi-Fi Protected Setupâ„¢ (WPS) allows you to easily connect WPS-supported devices to your WiFi without manually configuring security settings if your personal device supports it.

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