Accessing the Linksys Cloud Manager

The Linksys Business Cloud Access Points provide a secure, high-speed Wi-Fi connectivity, and advanced security and management features so staff and members can bring their own devices to the workplace, and can stay connected to the network.

With the new Linksys Cloud Manager, you can conveniently check and manage your Linksys Business Cloud Access Points’ networks anytime and anywhere. Follow the steps below to learn how to access the Linksys Cloud Manager.

Before you begin:

Step 1:
Launch a web browser and go to

Step 2:
Enter your credentials, then press Login.

User-added image
Step 3:
Once successful, select which Organization you would like to manage. If you only have one Organization, you will automatically have access to your Linksys Cloud Manager.
User-added image

Related Article:

Getting to know the Linksys Cloud Manager

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