Linksys Smart Wi-Fi - Guest Access


Provide internet access to up to 50 guests at home while keeping your network files safe with the Guest Access tool.

Software Information

Linksys Smart Wi-Fi system requirements
Overview of the Linksys cloud account
How to access Linksys Smart Wi-Fi through a web browser
What are the benefits of using a Linksys cloud account?
Creating a Linksys cloud account

Guest Access

Overview of the Guest Access feature in Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Routers
How to manage the Guest Access Feature using the Linksys cloud account
Configuring Guest Access on the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router using the local access interface
Connecting a WiFi computer to the Guest network
Checking the Guest Access password
Setting up the Guest Network through the Linksys Smart Wi-Fi (VIDEO)

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