Changing the WiFi Settings of the Linksys FGW5500

This article will show you how to change your WiFi settings of the Linksys FGW5500.

Before you begin:

  • Changing your WiFi settings will disconnect all WiFi devices from your router. You must reconnect them using the new settings.
  • The password should not have consecutive identical characters. 
  • The minimum length of a password is 10 and this should meet all the following four complexity rules:


    • At least one uppercase character
    • At least one lowercase character
    • At least one number
    • At least one special character (punctuation or space)
1. Access the Linksys FGW5500's web interface.

2. On the left side of the dashboard, click on WiFi.

3. Click on Basic.
4. Enter your preferred WiFi name in the Network Name(SSID) field.

5. Select an Encryption.

If you choose WPA3-SAE + AES, keep in mind that not all devices support WPA3™ and these devices will not be able to connect. Use the first or second option instead.
6. Enter your preferred WiFi password in the Password field.
By default, both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios use the same WiFi credentials. If you want to give your 5GHz WiFi a unique name, click on the 5GHz WiFi to expand the settings.
7. Uncheck the box for Use the same settings as 2.4GHz.
8. Create a unique network name and password for the 5GHz WiFi.
9. Click Apply to save the changes.
Setting your radio channel, working mode, bandwidth, AP isolation, and maximum connection number can also be done by going to WiFi > Advanced.

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