Overview of the Network feature on the Linksys FGW5500

This article is an overview of the Linksys FGW5500's Network feature.

Modem Settings
Internet Settings
LAN Settings
IPv6 Settings
SMS Management

Modem Settings

If necessary, advanced users can modify modem settings on this page. To view the remaining sections, click the drop-down icon.


  • Network Mode - Options are shown below. The router will automatically detect a SIM card for data APN configuration, and it also supports manual mode for configuration, such as authentication methods (NONE, PAP, CHAP) if service is required.

  • Enable Auto Connection - The default setting is enabled (checked).
  • Enable Roaming - The router is a fixed wireless access point, and the default setting is disabled (unchecked).
  • Enable Voice APN - If the Voice APN is enabled (checked), the router will create a dedicated route for Voice service. Some fields such as PDP Type, APN Setting, APN, and User Name/Password for Authentication are required to input. Contact your service provider to enable this service. 

Internet Settings

For advanced users, you can change your internet settings on this page. 


The default setting is Dynamic IP.



LAN Settings

On this page, you can change your LAN settings. Click on the drop-down arrow to expand the rest of the sections.



To reserve an IP Address on a client, click Add under DHCP Lease Reservation. Enter your settings and click Apply.


Your DHCP client table is shown in the DHCP Lease Status section. Click on the Refresh button to refresh the table.



IPv6 Settings

On this page, you can change your IPv6 settings as needed.


SMS Management

In this section, you can send SMS messages. Simply enter the message and phone number, then click Send.


When you receive an SMS message, an sf46902-012_en_v3.png icon is displayed in the top left corner of the web interface. Any messages can be found in the Inbox part of the SMS Management; simply click on it to read it.


