Linksys Cloud Manager 2.0 - Accessing the Linksys Cloud Manager 2.0

The Linksys Business Cloud Access Points provide secure, high-speed WiFi connectivity, and advanced security and cloud management to access points, networks, and organizations through the Linksys Cloud Manager 2.0
Follow the steps below to learn how to access the Linksys Cloud Manager.

Before you begin:
  • Create a Linksys Cloud Manager account if you don't have one yet.  For instructions, click here.
  • Make sure that the access point has power and is connected to the internet.
1. On your computer, open a web browser and log in to

2. Enter your credentials then click on Login.
User-added image
3. Select an organization that you would like to manage.  If there's only one organization, you will automatically have access to the Linksys Cloud Manager.
User-added image

You now have access to the Linksys Cloud Manager.  To learn more about the Linksys Cloud Manager 2.0, click on the following links:

Linksys Cloud Manager 1.0 to 2.0 Migration Guide
Linksys Cloud Manager 2.0 – Getting Started Guide

