How to remotely access the Linksys Gigabit VPN Routers, LRT214 and LRT224

Remote Management allows you to manage your VPN router from a remote location, via the Internet.  Managing a Linksys Gigabit VPN Router from a remote location is similar to accessing it locally.  The main difference is, instead of entering the router's LAN IP Address in the web browser’s Address bar, you have to enter the router’s Internet IP Address.


To enable remote management, follow the steps below:

IMPORTANT:  If the remote management feature is enabled, anyone who knows the VPN router’s Internet IP address and password will be able to change the gateway's settings.
Step 1:
Access the router's web-based setup page.  To learn how, click here.
Step 2:
Click the Configuration tab on the header.
Step 3:
Click Firewall > General in the navigation tree at the left side.

Step 4:
Set the Remote Management to Enable and configure the Port number.
NOTE:  The default Port number is 443.  If the service port number has been forwarded to a server in the local network, you have to change to another port.

QUICK TIP:  If you still use the default username/password (admin/admin), a message will pop out and ask you to change the value.  Click OK to change the password.
Step 5:
You will be prompted to enable HTTPS.  Click OK and set the HTTPS to Enable.

Step 6:
Click  at the bottom of the page to finish the configuration.

You can now access your VPN router remotely by using https://x.x.x.x:443 where x.x.x.x is your VPN router’s Internet IP address and 443 is the port number you enabled on the router.

NOTE:  To know the Internet IP address of your VPN router, click the System Status tab on the header and then look for the IP Address under WAN STATUS.


QUICK TIP:  If you have configured a DDNS domain name for the VPN router, you can also log on by using its domain name.

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