Configuring Access Rules for inter-VLAN traffic management on your LRT2x4 router

Inter VLAN Routing allows different VLANs to communicate with each other and allows all traffic pass through between VLANs.
The example below demonstrates how to configure access rules to administer VLAN traffic.
In the topology below, the company has four (4) departments: HR, Sales, R&D, and Advertising.  These four (4) VLANs are used to separate traffic using the following information:
DepartmentVLANIP addressSubnet Mask
HRVLAN 1192.168.1.0255.255.255.0
SalesVLAN 2192.168.2.0255.255.255.0
R&DVLAN 3192.168.3.0255.255.255.0
AdvertisingVLAN 4192.168.4.0255.255.255.0
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Listed below are the requirements of network traffic administration, and the access rules that need to be created to achieve them.
  • Requirement 1: VLAN 1 can access the Web server under VLAN 2, other traffic should be restricted.  The Web server IP address is
  • Requirement 2: VLAN 3 can access the Web server under VLAN 4, other traffic should be restricted.  The Web server IP address is
  • Requirement 3: VLAN 1 and VLAN 3 cannot communicate to each other.
  • Requirement 4: VLAN 2 and VLAN 4 cannot communicate to each other.
  • Requirement 5: VLAN 1 and VLAN 4 can communicate to each other.
  • Requirement 6: VLAN 2 and VLAN 3 can communicate to each other.
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Step 1:
On your web browser, access your Linksys Gigabit VPN router.  For instructions, click here.
Step 2:
Click Configuration.
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Step 3:
Click Port Management > 802.1Q.  Click User-added image.
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Step 4:
Add details for VLAN 2, VLAN 3 and VLAN 4.  Click Save after every instance.
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  • VLAN ID – Indicates VLAN ID (VID). 
  • Description – The name of the VLAN.
  • Inter VLAN Routing – If the VLAN is allowed to communicate with other sets of VLAN, the status is shown as Enabled.  The default value is Disabled.
  • Device Management – Enabled or Disabled, if this VLAN is allowed to access Web GUI, the status will be shown as Enabled. The default value is Disabled.
  • LAN1 ~ LAN4 – Indicate VLAN status of physical LAN port.  It could be Tagged, Untagged or Excluded.
Step 5:
Set VLAN 1 to VLAN 4’s Inter VLAN Routing as Enabled.
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Step 6:
Click Firewall > Access Rules.
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Step 7:
Set the following Access Rules:
Requirement 1 access rule
Requirement 2 access rule
Requirement 3 access rule
Requirement 4 access rule
Requirement 1 access rule
Configure two (2) access rules to deny all traffic between VLAN 1 and VLAN 2 first, and configure an access rule to allow HTTP traffic from VLAN 1 to
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Requirement 2 access rule
Configure two (2) access rules to deny all traffic between VLAN 3 and VLAN 4 first, and configure an access rule to allow HTTP traffic from VLAN 3 to
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Requirement 3 access rule
Configure two (2) access rules to deny all traffic between VLAN 1 and VLAN 3.
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Requirement 4 access rule
Configure two (2) access rules to deny all traffic between VLAN 2 and VLAN 4.
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You should now be able to administer VLANs traffic with Access Rules.

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