특정 모바일 장치에 대한 링크시스 어웨어 알림을 해제하는 방법

Linksys Aware is being discontinued. Current subscribers can continue to use the service until July 31st 2024. New subscriptions or renewals will no longer be available.


If there are multiple people in your home using the Linksys app, all users will receive Linksys Aware motion alerts.  If a specific user does not want to receive alerts, they can turn OFF alerts in the Notifications screen on their mobile device.


Click on the operating system that applies to you:


NOTE:  Steps may differ depending on the version of your operating system.


Step 1:
Go to Settings.

Step 2:
Select Notifications.

Step 3:
Locate and select Linksys

Step 4:
Toggle to the OFF position. 

Your Linksys Aware notifications should now be turned OFF on this specific mobile device.


Step 1:
Go to Settings.

Step 2:
Select Notifications or Apps.

Step 3:
Locate and select Linksys

Step 4:
Toggle to the OFF position. 

Your Linksys Aware notifications should now be turned OFF on this specific mobile device.

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