Overview of the Management tab of your Linksys E9450 router

This article will provide an overview of the Management tab of your Linksys E9450 router. This article is for Linksys E9450-AH, E9450-CN, E9450-JP, and E9450-KR.

Log in to the Linksys E9450 router's web interface
. Once you are in the web interface, click on Management. 


The Management tab has the following categories:

1.  Settings - Back up a config file, restore a config file or restore the router settings to factory defaults.


2.  Internet Time - Configure your time settings.




3.  Access Control - Change the router’s admin password. Make sure to use admin as the username.



The required password settings are


  • At least 10 characters in length
  • At least one upper case letter
  • At least one lower case letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character
  • Must not use consecutive identical characters
  • Values used in the login ID and password shall not be the same
  • Must not use a space in the beginning or ending
  • Should not contain non-ASCII characters

4.  Firmware Upgrade - Check if a new firmware is available by clicking Check Firmware or by manually updating the firmware.



5.  Reboot - Reboot the router.


6.  Language – Allows you to change your preferred language.



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