Linksys Shield powered by Trend Micro Frequently Asked Questions

Linksys Shield is being discontinued. Current  subscribers can continue to use the service until July 31st 2024. New subscriptions or renewals will no longer be available.
Overview and Subscription
What is Linksys Shield?
What are the subscription requirements?
How can I subscribe to Linksys Shield?
How does the dashboard look when I subscribe to Linksys Shield?
How can I check and manage my Linksys Shield subscription?
How can I cancel my Linksys Shield subscription?
If I have multiple networks, will my subscription work with all of them?
How can I use my subscription with a different network?
How can I transfer my subscription to a different account?
How would I know if my subscription is expiring?

Network Security
What is Network Security and where can I find it in the Linksys app?
What types of threats does Network Security help protect me from?
How does Network Security work?
Are malicious websites easy to spot?
What types of malicious websites does Network Security help protect me from?
What is in the Network Security page?
Can I turn OFF Network Security?
Can I access Network Security from a desktop browser?
Does the Network Security feature protect my device when it is not connected to my home network?
What devices will the Network Security feature protect?

Advanced Parental Controls (Block by Category)
How is Advanced Parental Controls (Block by Category) different from the free version of Parental Controls?
What is the Block by Category feature of Linksys Shield and how do I use it?
What are the different categories and subcategories available to block?
What are the four presets in Block by Category?
How do I customize categories within the age presets?
What will my child see once I've applied Block by Category to their device?
Why does my child still have access to a category I’ve blocked?
Can I access Block by Category from a desktop browser?
How do I know if I have the latest firmware that supports Advance Parental Controls?

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