Parent guide to Parental Controls with Linksys Shield

The Block by Category feature in Linksys Shield makes it easy for parents to decide what kind of websites your kids can visit while on your home network.

How does it work?

Once you’ve subscribed to Linksys Shield, use the Linksys app to apply a preset age category to any device connected to your home network – Child, Pre-Teen, Teen, and Adult. Each time the device tries to access a website, Linksys Shield will decide whether the site is allowed, based on the type of content typically available on that site. You can fine-tune the presets to match your family’s rules and your parenting style. Block by Category works on a per-device basis, so you can block different categories for each device in your home.

Want to see what Linksys Shield thinks of a specific website? Visit our partner Trend Micro and enter a website URL next to the “Is it safe?” field. You can see whether the site is safe from malicious software and phishing, as well as the categories the site falls under.

Keep in mind that complete control over internet content is tricky. Monitoring your child’s activity is always a good practice with any technology.

Things to consider when using Block by Category and Parental Controls

  • Alternate Sites
Block by Category looks at the type of content typically available on a website, rather than the latest available content. For example, if you decide to block websites with information about guns, you may want to also block news sites, since news sites may occasionally post stories about guns. Similarly, forums, chat, and video streaming sites may include many different types of content.
  • Apps and Games
Block by Category doesn’t block the use of some mobile apps or video games. It’s best if parents test the apps or games after applying settings to a device.
  • Images
Block by Category doesn’t block images returned in search engine results. Instead, look for the safe search settings of your child’s device. You can also block access to search engines directly with website blocking.
  • Cached Content
Content that has recently been accessed on a device may not be immediately blocked. Exit and relaunch the device’s web browser or restart the device.
  • Cellular Data and Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Clever teens may find other ways to view blocked content. Linksys Shield works only when devices are connected to your network wirelessly or via ethernet. That means Block by Category is ineffective if a device uses cellular data service. Using VPN or other internet services may also affect results.

Related Videos:

Getting to know the Linksys Shield powered by Trend Micro (VIDEO)
How to use the Block by Category feature in Linksys Shield (VIDEO)

