Changing your account password and email address in the Linksys support site

This article will guide you on how to change your account password and email address on the Linksys support site.

1. Go to the Linksys support siteAt the upper-right corner of the page, hover on the My Account sf47526-001_en_v4.png  icon.

2. Enter your Email and Password in the fields provided and click Login.




TIP:  If you have forgotten your password, you may click on the Forgot password link and follow the instructions provided. 

3. Hover on the My Account icon displayed in the upper-right corner of the page.  On the drop-down menu, select Settings.




4. You will be directed to your account Dashboard which displays your current Settings.  This section will allow you to change your account email address and password.  Click on the links below for instructions:

Email Address

Email Address


1. On the Profile section, click on the Edit link.




2. On the Edit Profile screen, enter the new Email address you wish to use, confirm the email, and then enter your Password.




3. Click Save to apply changes.




1. On the Password section, click on the Edit link.




2. On the Change Password section, enter the Current Password, the New Password, and Confirm New Password.




3. Click the Save button.

You have now successfully changed your account password and email address.  

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