Linksys Cloud Manager: Account settings page

The Linksys Business Cloud Access Points distribute secure Wi-Fi connection to different clients and provide cloud management features so you can monitor your networks from anywhere at any time.  This article provides an overview of the Account settings page where you can view and manage your profile, security settings or add and remove members in your Cloud account. 
Before you begin:
This article is only for access points being managed by (Cloud Manager 1.0)
Visit the online documentation to learn more about the Linksys Cloud Manager 2.0.
Account settings sections:

The Profile page displays your profile.  You can update or change your profile at any time.  

Step 1:
Access your Cloud account.  For instructions, click here.

Step 2:
Click on the account icon (account's initial letter) on the top right-hand corner and then click Account settings.
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Step 3:
On the Account settings page, you can update or change your account profile.
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Step 4:
Once you're satisfied with your settings, click Save.
The Security page allows you to change your account password and view your sessions.  
Step 1:
Access your Cloud account.  For instructions, click here.

Step 2:
Click on the account icon (account's initial letter) on the top right-hand corner and then click Account settings.

Step 3:
Click Security Change if you would like to change your password.
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Step 4:
Enter your current and new passwords then confirm it.
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Step 5:
Click Save.

QUICK TIP:  You can also view your Sessions log.  If you would like to log out of your current session, click the ellipsis icon > Sign out.
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The Members page lists all the members of the Cloud account.  The first person on the list is the owner of the Cloud account followed by other members, if there is any.
You can transfer ownership to another member who has an admin role.  To do that, you will need to add a member first and the new member will need to accept the invite and create a Cloud account before you can transfer ownership.

Role description types:
  • Owner - an owner has full rights to all access point configuration, can transfer ownership, and can add or remove members.
  • Admin - the admin can make all access point configuration and add or remove other members except the owner.  The admin is not allowed to transfer ownership.
Follow these steps to add a member as the admin:
Step 1:
Access your Cloud account.  For instructions, click here.
Step 2:
Click on the account icon (account's initial letter) on the top right-hand corner and then click Account settings.

Step 3:
Click on Members > New member.

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Step 4:
Enter the email address of the new member in the field and click Save.
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Step 5:
The new member will receive an email notification to accept the invite.  Have the new member click Accept invitation.
Step 6:
The new member will be prompted to create a Cloud account.  Once they have created a Cloud account, they can now log in as admin.
Follow these steps to transfer ownership:
In order to transfer ownership to another member, you must be logged in as the Owner.  You must also add a new member first.

Step 1:
Access your Cloud account.  For instructions, click here.
Step 2:

Click on the account icon (account's initial letter) on the upper right-hand corner and click on Account settings > Members.
Step 3:
Click the ellipsis icon next to the member that you would like to have ownership of the Cloud account then click Transfer ownership.
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Step 4:
Click Transfer.

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NOTE:  If you have no members yet, you will see an Add member option instead.

Step 5:
Click Confirm.

Follow these steps to remove members:
Step 1:
To remove a member, click on the X next to the name of the member.
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Step 2: 
Click Confirm.

NOTE:  An Owner account cannot be deleted.  You can only transfer ownership to someone else and then delete the previous person who was the previous owner.
Other role descriptions

A manager and viewer member can only be added at the network level.  To add a member as a Manager or Viewer, follow the steps below.
Step 1:
Access your Cloud account.  For instructions, click here.

Step 2:
Select a network and click on Members located under the account icon (account's initial letter)
 on the top right corner.  

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Step 3:
Click New member.
Step 4:
Enter the email address of the new member.
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Step 5:
Select either a Manager or Viewer role for the new member. 

  • Can have access only to the network that they were granted access to
  • Not allowed to add other members
  • Not allowed to add new networks
  • Access to all network settings and configuration with read and write permissions except the following:
    • Delete a network or an access point
    • Access to Inventory (can only move an access point to Inventory)
  • Can have access only to the network they were granted access to
  • Read-only permissions to all of the network settings and members
  • No Inventory access
Step 6:
Click Save

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