How to backup a configuration file on the Linksys Gigabit VPN Routers, LRT224 and LRT214

Creating a Backup configuration file allows you save the current settings of your Linksys Gigabit VPN Router in a file.  This file can be used whenever you want to restore settings quickly, such as after resetting the router to default settings, instead of configuring the router manually.

The Linksys Gigabit VPN Router supports two (2) kinds of backup configuration files: the Startup Configuration and the Mirror Configuration.  The Startup Configuration file is the one loaded to the router when it boots up.  The router will copy the Startup file to the Mirror Configuration.  If the Startup Configuration file fails, the Mirror Configuration file will be adopted.

NOTE:  If the router operates for 24 hours without reboot or configuration change, the Startup Configuration will be copied to Mirror Configuration automatically.

This article will guide you on how to backup a configuration file on a Linksys Gigabit VPN Router.  
Step 1:
Access the router's web-based setup page.  To learn how, click here.

Step 2:
Click on Maintenance tab on the header.

Step 3:
Click Backup and Restore.

Step 4:
Select your desired Backup Configuration File and save it to your designated folder.
QUICK TIP:  The default filenames for these files are Startup.config or Mirror.config.  Make sure you remember the path to where you saved these files.

You have successfully saved a Backup Configuration file for your Linksys Gigabit VPN Router.  In case you need to load this configuration file to your router, you can do this on the Restore Startup Configuration section.  For step-by-step instructions on how to do this, click here.

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