Troubleshooting the Linksys LN1100 and LN1200

This article will guide you on how to properly troubleshoot issues you may encounter with the Linksys LN1100 and LN1200.

1. I have a PPPoE internet connection, and I am unable to set up the router. What should I do?

For PPPoE customers, you will need to
manually set up the router.

2. I cannot get the setup wizard to open after setting up my router. What should I do?

After your router is online, if the setup wizard is not opening, try the following:


  • Make sure that your mobile device or computer is connected to the WiFi of the router that is connected to the modem. The default credentials are located at the bottom of the router. You can also scan the QR code on the router using your mobile device.
  • Depending on your browser, you can try entering either "" or "". 
  • If you are setting up the router again, the setup wizard is a one-time use out of the box. If for any reason your router was reset, open a web browser, and go to "" or "" to manage your settings. You may also set up the router again.

3. I have reset my Linksys LN1100 router and I’m trying to set it up again, but the light is not turning solid white as when I first set up the router or per the Quick Start guide. What should I do?

The Linksys LN1100 bundled with Linksys LN1200 supports Plug-and-Play setup out of the box. This means that once it’s connected to your modem and an internet connection is detected, the router will automatically configure itself if your internet connection uses DHCP and automatically add your Linksys LN1200 child nodes to your network. 

However, if the router or child nodes are reset at any time, you will need to 
configure them using another method.

4. I have reset my Linksys LN1200 child nodes. How do I add them back to my Linksys LN1100 router?

Linksys LN1200 that were purchased as a bundle with a Linksys LN1100 came pre-paired from the factory. If a Linksys LN1200 child node was reset, you will need to 
add it back to your network.


5. Can I use the Linksys LN1100 or LN1200 with other Linksys products?

Yes, both the Linksys LN1100 and LN1200 are supported with other Linksys Cognitiveâ„¢ Mesh products such as Linksys MX6200 and MBE7000.

6. Can I set up the Linksys LN1200 as a parent node?

No. The Linksys LN1200 supports child mode only. They can only be added to another parent router such as a Linksys LN1100 or another Velop Mesh Cognitive model.

7. Can I add another Linksys LN1100 as a child node to my existing Linksys LN1100 parent router?

Yes. Learn how to add another Linksys LN1100 as a child node.

8. I completed the setup wizard, and the router is online, but my router doesn’t show any light on top of the router. What should I do?

The setup wizard has an option for Night mode, which by default is set to ON. Night mode is a feature where the lights on a Linksys LN1100 router will automatically turn OFF from 8 pm to 8 am. If you run the setup wizard during this time frame, the router is 
using the Night mode feature.

9. How do I manage my network settings?

You can manage the settings by accessing your router
using a web browser (by entering "" or "") or through the Linksys app.

10. How do I check if Auto-Firmware updates are turned ON and/or how do I check the current firmware version on the Linksys LN1100 and Linksys LN1200?

Learn more.

11. How do I manually update the firmware on my Linksys LN1100?

Learn more.

12. How do I manually update the firmware on my Linksys LN1200?

You can manually update the firmware whether it's still on factory defaults or already part of an existing network.

13. Can I use a USB-C® cable to power ON the Linksys LN1200?

No. You must use the supplied power adapter that came with the Linksys LN1200. Other USB-C cables are not supported.

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